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Next Two Months - LENT
Upcoming Transition - Let us grow together
I know by now all of you know what's going on with me; being called to be the 14th Bishop of the Diocese of Idaho. I have heard from a lot of people in the last few days, if not from all! Every one of us is struggling with how to take this news of my election to the Episcopate in the diocese of Idaho. Everyone I talked to are happy and sad at the same time. That's exactly how I feel. happy and sad. Excited and anxious. Worried and hopeful.
Here are some of the feelings we are all going through.
  • Some are proud for their rector is called to be a bishop, and I am humbled to be called to that honor.
  • Some are anxious for the church's future and I am too, but hopeful because St. James has great leaders among you. And this is not the first transition for St. James and we have survived worse!
  • Some are afraid that this is going to stop our momentum and growth, and I am anxious with you, no doubt. But I don't believe the growth was all because of me, it was mutual, and that means we need to work harder. Make ourselves friendly and welcoming. Leave the politics of the nation and church behind. Welcome all and make them feel at home!
I can keep going with all these emotions. But one thing I confess is that this has not been an easy YES. I also know this is the right thing for me to do just like I said yes 27 years ago and many times after that. So, I want to invite you to celebrate and cry with me. Those of you who haven't had a chance to tell me how sad they are, to come forward and share that with me. Let us celebrate the grief and excitement together. That is what I call genuine love. Because this is life and life is full of changes. That's how we grow. You are very dear to me and will be so forever.
I am very much looking forward to seeing you on Sunday.
Fr. Jos+
Youth and Children Sunday School
EKC and EYC this week we will be learning about the transfiguration. Why was it important for the disciples to see Jesus this way? What can we learn from the disciples account of this event? Join us this Sunday at 9:15 am for EKC and after church for EYC.
Celebrations & Prayers This Month
Happy Birthdays
Roger Palmer, Feb. 4th.
Matt Hopper , Feb. 5th
Bill Pruitt, Feb. 11th
Donald Francis, Feb. 11th
Tessa Eggers Feb. 12th
Peter Ibrahim, Feb. 12th
Eric Atkinson, Feb. 24th
Rachel Redden, Feb. 24th.
Erica Terry, Feb. 25th.
Happy Anniversary
Prayers for Families This Week
Hamilton, Hamra, Haratyk
Flower Dedications
To the Glory of God.
Altar Schedule
Altar Guild
Lisa Pruitt, Tammy Larimore
Celebrant & Preacher
Fr. Jos Tharakan
Deacon & Gospel Proclamation
The Rev. Suzy Lynch
Eucharistic Minister 1
Eucharistic Minister 2
Julie Gillogly
Robert Lanning
1st Reading
2nd Reading
Anne Breid
Lisa Pruitt
Robert Lanning
Prayers of the people
Lisa Pruit
Acolyte (s)
Lisa Pruitt
Eric Atkinson
Terry Abshire, Gerald Snow